iEngineer commercial combined
Our policy to meet the needs of engineering firms manufacturing, installing and servicing machinery and components, domicile in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, trading world-wide. Underwritten at Lloyd’s and in the London Market.
This page is for our iEngineer policy which is underwritten at Lloyd’s. It comes in two styles:
1. iEngineer combined – cover for material damage, liabilities and CAR
2. iEngineer GL – excluding the material damage sections
You can download the full policy wordings here
You can download the Policy Summaries for each policy:
You can use this form to submit risk information:
What type of cover do you need?
Commercial Combined
Ranging from highly complex manufacturing and distribution risks to small independent traders.
SelectSmall & Medium Enterprises’s
Competitively priced and offering wide cover including higher values where required.
Our property owner authorities offer wide cover including property owners and employers liability.