Product Governance

This section aims to manage our responsibility to our brokers in respect of the new FCA requirements on Product Governance, General Insurance Pricing Practices, and delivering Fair Value to customers. You can access a summary of our products below which will provide links to our product information templates (LMA9197). 

The products detailed in the summary are products where we have performed the role of joint manufacturer with our capacity providers and also the role of the first distributor in the chain. If you are a retail broker please complete the information required in respect of distributor 2 on the LMA9197 and if you are a wholesale or Lloyd’s broker please complete the information required in respect of distributor 2 and distributor 3. Please return the completed LMA9197 to, this will help us assess any impact the distribution chain has on the ability of the product to offer fair value to a customer. 

Our current assessment on the fair value the product provides for a customer is based on the responses we have collated to date, if you have not yet participated in our assessment please return your completed LMA 9197 as soon as possible.

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What type of cover do you need?

Group 7 Created with Sketch.


Our iConstruct construction policy is hugely popular with our brokers.

Group 8 Created with Sketch.

Commercial Combined

Ranging from highly complex manufacturing and distribution risks to small independent traders.

Group 2 Created with Sketch.

Small & Medium Enterprises’s

Competitively priced and offering wide cover including higher values where required.

Group 10 Created with Sketch.


Our property owner authorities offer wide cover including property owners and employers liability.

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